Monday, February 25, 2013

How to reduce Stretch Marks during pregnancy

Stretch Marks comes with pregnancy. The muscles of the stomach stretch to accommodate the enlarging womb. Stretch marks do not disappear own its own after pregnancy.
But no need to worry young lady that your beautiful tummy will be scared after pregnancy
When pregnant apply cocoa butter cream to your tummy always.

This will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks by making it fade and blending with skin. Cocoa butter lotion may not work to reduce the appearance of stretch marks for everyone, but its nourishing properties can relieve irritation that is caused by stretching of the skin.

 When skin stretch it loses its elastin and collagen fibers resulting in the mark. Some hormones are also responsible for the lose of elastin and collagen.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Losing Weight after Pregnancy

If you are considering getting pregnant but worried about weight issues......... Don't be.... Your tools are;
1. Eating nutritious healthy variety of foods
2. Enjoying an active lifestyle
3. Being patient to lose the extra weight slowly..........

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal but the good thing is you can get your desired shape back after delivery. Pregnancy should not change your body forever. Getting back to how much you weighed before pregnancy is important for your health. The longer  that extra weight is on, the greater the risk for not losing it and becoming overweight or obese.
Diet's an essential part of losing weight after a baby just as it is in pregnancy. Restrictive dieting can deprive your body of nutrients you need and can leave you feeling tired and stressed.

Here are a few tips:
>>Eat breakfast
Losing weight is not skipping meals, skipping breakfast makes the body hungry and increase the likelihood of overeating. Starving the body for long hours can cause the body to change its insulin response, causing you to gain weight and hold onto fat. Depriving yourself of necessary daily calories puts you in physical "starvation mode." Your body will think that there isn't enough food available and that you're starving. When you go off your diet, your body will store even more fat in reserve against future lean periods. You'll also be more likely to overeat during this period.
>>>Include fruits and vegetables in your diet (orange,apple, etc)
 They supply vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal bodily functioning warding off conditions and diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, diverticulitis and some cancers.They help you lose weight because they are low in calories, high in volume and high in critically important nutrients. That is they fill you up, providing you with important minerals and vitamins, without loading you up with fat and calories.

>>>>Your choice of carbohydrate should include fiber rich foods such as oats, grains(corn, rice etc or foods made with it- banku, kenkey) 
 Eating healthy high-fiber foods makes you feel full, so you can resist eating more food than you need. Fibrous foods also can take longer to chew, giving your brain time to get the signal that you have had enough to eat.
>>>>> Reduce intake of fried foods, takeaways which are high in fat and confectionery, cakes, fizzy drinks which are high in sugar.

Losing weight is cutting off calories and you don't want to increase your caloric intake. Fatty and sugary foods are high in calories and must be reduced to reduce your caloric intake.
>>>>>>Do not overeat, eat smaller portions and reduce number of snacks you take in between meals. Go for healthy snacks eg. apple instead of biscuits
 >>>>>>>Drink plenty of water and stay active not strenuous exercises but regular physical activities. Taking a walk with your baby regularly will do.