Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Eating Nutritiously for Safe Motherhood

Have you ever wondered what is used in development of a foetus or makes a foetus grow in the womb? The foetus require nutrients from the mother store of nutrients and it obtains its nutrient from the mothers daily nutrient intake. So imagine what happens to a foetus when the mother has inadequate nutrient stores?

Research has shown that cell division and tissue formation foetus occurs quickly even before pregnancy is detected. this means that if you are waiting to know you are pregnant before you eat well or take supplements it might be too late for you and the baby. The foetus might not have essential nutrients like Folic Acid (Folate) for cell division and tissue formation resulting in defects like neural tube defects, spinal bifida, lip and palate clefts. If the mother happen to have inadequate Calcium stores, which is needed for fetal skeletal development, the baby will draw calcium from the mother's bones which can result in the mother having osteoporosis (brittle bones)

Folates can be obtained from foods such as dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, asparagusi, 'kontomire"(cocoyam leaves common in West Africa), dried beans and peas; okra, and orange juice, fortified foods with folic acid. Folic acid  can be with advice from physician.

Calcium food sources are    milk and dairy products, salmon, dried beans, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach and collards, almonds, sunflower seed.Calcium supplements are also available.

Folic Acid source